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Teens' own thoughts on fostering safe sexual practice are important perspectives in promoting adolescent sexual health yet are relatively absent in the literature. This focus group study explored teens' perceptions about the supports and challenges that exist as teens strive to engage in healthy sexual practices. Seventy-five teens participated in 11 focus groups using a semi-structured interview guide. School-based health centers provided the setting and facilitated sample recruitment. Focus groups were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using the focus group guide as a template and typologies, or clusters of concepts, were extracted to establish teen perceptions of the factors that support and challenge their ability to engage in safe sexual practices. The socio-ecological model provided the framework to identify these factors within the individual, family/parent, relational (peer/partner), community, or societal spheres of influence. Results discussed the importance of parents, the value of confidentiality, respect for teen decision-making, relationships skills, developmental aspects of the adolescent years, and social interpretations of gender. These findings revealed important considerations as adults develop policies, messages, and programs designed to promote safe sexual behavior in teens.  相似文献   
Research points to significant numbers of students on college campuses experiencing mental health distress and an ever increasing number of college students who are choosing to make an off-campus educational experience a part of their college careers. When we consider both of these trends together, it is quite apparent that a significant number of students with mental health concerns will spend periods of time studying away from campus, with converging concerns among college mental health and study away professionals about how to best support these students. This article seeks to outline both challenges and opportunities inherent in the collaboration between campus professionals in supporting students with mental health issues before and during their study away experiences.  相似文献   
抓好数学概念教学是提高数学教学质量的关键。笔者从事数学教学多年,认为深刻理解、牢固掌握、灵活运用是学习掌握数学概念、提高解题能力的有效手段。  相似文献   
菲尔丁的代表作《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》蕴涵了丰富的道德内容.本文认为作品的主旨和隐性结构就在于表现人性,基于此,菲尔丁不仅塑造了一个真实丰富的主人公形象,并对当时某些似是而非的道德问题和道德原则提出了讨论,表明了小说的道德主题.  相似文献   
《金瓶梅》的作者非王世贞莫属。根据有四:①“兰陵笑笑生”中的“兰陵”并非地名,而是运用藏词艺术手法隐含作者姓王,是一个孝子;②弄珠客《序》采用析字格手法,表明《金瓶梅》的创作主旨是嘲弄姓朱的皇帝;③王世贞的父亲王Yu被杀与嘉帝有直接关系,替父报仇是王世贞作《金瓶梅》的主要动机和根本目的;④作品中的明代三个真实人物是王世贞的暗示性符号。  相似文献   
Twenty-seven incest victims, aged 12-18, responded to their experiences with self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, suicide attempts, perfectionism, isolation, or depression in attempts to alleviate stress or assert some control over helplessness created by the incest. Therapy focused on the premise that such adolescent behaviors are logical and predictable survival responses rather than simply clues to sexual abuse. Treatment goals included establishing trust, helping the victim re-define his or her role in the incest, view destructive behaviors as predictable responses, and understand that present behaviors are a continuation of these past survival responses. Such self-awareness encourages the adolescent to better manage or discontinue now inappropriate behaviors.  相似文献   
李林 《铜仁学院学报》2003,5(Z1):113-114
在职高生高考数学的复习教学中,要注重区别对待不同成绩的学生,要充分重视学生的主体地位,发挥教师的主导作用.  相似文献   
中学生时值青春发育的狂飙期,在体育教学中合理运用两性心理发展的正常规律,对促进中学生身体素质和运动能力及运动技能的提高有重要意义.把青春期具有的兴奋和好奇心理正确地诱导在体育练习上,对个体发展会起到良性影响  相似文献   
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